My name is Richard Gatchell Jr. and I am the fifth great grandson of our fifth president, James Monroe. Being related to a Founding Father has inspired me to develop my passion for US History. At an early age, my grandmother instilled in me a sense of pride and responsibility associated with my lineage.
My goal is to educate underserved and undereducated Americans and share with them the sacrifice, courage, and vision of a generation who initiated our experiment in Democracy. James Monroe held various offices from 1776 through 1825. His story is a microcosm of how our country evolved from unorganized states into an emerging world power in a single lifetime.
I am also proud to represent Lieutenant James Monroe’s ancestral line in the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia. I welcome any opportunity to discuss the Revolutionary era and the critical milestones that launched our ongoing quest to form a more perfect union.
On a personal side, I pursued my passion for history in high school and continued as a history major at the University of Delaware. I have worked in Telecommunications for the past 25 years. I live in Baltimore, MD where I am married and blessed to be raising two college age daughters. My goal is to travel to all 50 states and visit as many historical locations as possible. If you know of a niche historical building, site, story, or character, my travel docket is open…